Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sirviendo siempre

Amigos, gracias por visitar este blog y seguir las actividades de la Casa Espirita Kardeciana Bezerra de Menezes en Miami.  Deseamos como siempre agradecer a Dios por esta oportunidad que tenemos de servir, mientras crecemos como seres humanos, superando nuestra dificultades y comprendiendo el mundo en su sentido mas amplio.  El Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, ese espiritu bienhechor y alma noble que esta siempre dispuesto para el auxilio, sin medir el tamaño de la obra, simplemente donandose en beneficio del projimo.

A nuestro alrededor estan las oportunidades de desarrollo, de practica de virtudes, de aprendizaje y crecimiento, basta con prestar atencion y dejarnos llevar por ese sentimiento tan intimo de solidaridad y de necesidad de interaccion social.

Nuestra Casa ofrece oportunidades de asistencia al projimo.  Solicite mas informaciones.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"I'm still here'

After spending 6 hours with wonderful people from Churches from all over Miami Dade County and medical professionals in a Facilitator training for Cancer Support Group, sponsored by the Baptist Hospital Congregational Health, life looks richer and richer as we discover new simple ways to be useful to others, and to ourselves.  Cancer is a big monster for many families.  I grew up seeing family members and friends being diagnosticated with cancer and more than an announcement it was a sentence, a death sentence.  My dad died from cancer, he had it all, prostate, lung, bone.....He fought for five years.  For some years after that, Cancer continued to be a death sentence, until a lady thatre." I knew proved me wrong.  She went through all the process, surgery, chemo, I think more surgery and more treatments, she started using some weird wigs and big black sunglasses, she would take forever walking from her car to her office.  It was painful just to watch.  She was in her sixties but with a much younger spirit, but for those few months her light wasn't as bright, she was fighting but it was hard.  A woman of great Catholic faith, you could tell just by visiting with her for few minutes that she was a good person, a good christian.  Back in those days was the Virgen of Conyers in Georgia, she went to see the Virgen, she told me that she wasn't looking for a miracle but for an answer, her question was "Am I going to survive?".  She had a gold crucifix that she put in, partially, in some water in Conyers then she put it back in her neck, days later her husband asked her what she did with the crucifix because half of it it is now pink, she was so surprised, but for some reason she remembered the question that got her to Conyers and the meaning of the change in the crucifix.  At that moment she knew that she she would survive.  And she did.
When my time came, I was 27 years old and my perception of the cancer was not longer so terrible, I knew that medicine has gone a long way since my father's time, so I was more confident in a happy ending.  I can say that I had the support of my family, my in-laws, my mother, my boss, of course my wife.  The doctors, nurses, hospital personnel.  I remember a day that I had to bring a copayment before the surgery and the lady in the office with tears in her eyes offer me to pray with me.  I was really touched by that gesture.
So it was like people all around me were protecting me and helping me.  I have a hard time finding the pain in my experience, other than physical pain there was not a moment of anguish or despair.  I was in good hands and I knew it.
Eleven years later, my story has matured in my mind, something grew inside of me out of that Cancer experience, sometimes I have seriously considered suggest to a friend to get Cancer, so his world can be put in perspective, but so far I have kept quiet with that suggestion.  Being a Cancer survivor, no matter the specifics, give us a upper hand when dealing with catastrophic events.  For sure our families have experienced the idea of "us not being there" and when you make peace with the changes in the world you become a more useful member of the Universe.

Cancer is so limited...
it cannot cripple love
it cannot shatter hope.
it cannot corrode faith
it cannot eat away peace
i cannot destroy confidence
it cannot kill friendship
it cannot shut our memories
it cannot silence courage
it cannot invade the soul
it cannot reduce eternal life
it cannot quench the Spirit
it cannot lessen the power of the resurrection

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Indulgencia, Instruir y Moralizad

"Sed indulgentes con las extravagancias de vuestros semejantes; en vez de despreciar la ignorancia y el vicio, instruid y moralizad; sed afables y benévolos con todos los que os son inferiores, practicad lo mismo respecto de los seres más ínfimos de la creación, y habréis obedecido a la ley de Dios." San Vicente de Paul. Pregunta 888 del Libro de los Espiritus de Allan Kardec



Jesús se interesó por los pobres

Las narraciones de los Evangelios sobre la vida de Jesús muestran que comprendía bien las dificultades de los pobres y era muy consciente de sus necesidades.  Al ver las muchedumbres, “se compadec[ía] de ellas, porque estaban desoladas y desparramadas como ovejas sin pastor” (Mateo 9:36). El relato sobre la viuda necesitada nos enseña que a Jesús no le impresionaban las cuantiosas dádivas de los ricos, que daban “de lo que les sobra[ba]”, sino la modestísima contribución de la viuda pobre. Lo que ella hizo conmovió el corazón de Jesús porque “echó, de su indigencia, todo el medio de vivir que tenía” (Lucas 21:4).
Jesús no solo se compadeció de los pobres, sino que se interesó personalmente por sus necesidades. Él y sus apóstoles tenían un fondo común que usaban para dar ayuda a los israelitas necesitados (Mateo 26:6-9; Juan 12:5-8; 13:29). Jesús animaba a quienes querían ser sus seguidores a reconocer su obligación de socorrer a los más desfavorecidos. En cierta ocasión, dijo lo siguiente a un joven y rico gobernante: “Vende todas las cosas que tienes y distribuye entre los pobres, y tendrás tesoro en los cielos; y ven, sé mi seguidor”. El hecho de que el joven no estuviera dispuesto a abandonar sus posesiones mostró que amaba más las riquezas que a Dios y al prójimo, por lo que no tenía las cualidades necesarias para ser discípulo de Jesús (Lucas 18:22, 23).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What type of giver are you?

 There are three types of givers: (Giving money, time, expertise, advice, giving something of value)

A. The first type of giver are those who give because they can. They have an abundance and they give out of their abundance. They give part of their free time, some of the money in the bank, some clothes that no longer use.

B. The second type of giver are those who are able to give – but don’t. They have enough to give yet for whatever reason they don’t give. They still have a “Me” centered mentality – rather than an “Others” centered mentality.

C. The third type of giver are those who have very little but give of what they have. They give sacrificially.

“Sitting across from the temple treasury, He (Jesus) watched how the crowd dropped money into the treasury. Many rich people were putting in large sums. And a poor widow came and dropped in two tiny coins worth very little. Summoning His disciples, He said to them, “ I assure you: This poor widow has put in more than all those giving to the temple treasury. For they all gave out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she possessed—all she had to live on.” Mark 12:41-44

 Start serving WHERE YOU ARE.

Many people are waiting for the right time and the right place to start serving. Let me tell you:

The right time to serve is NOW.

The right place to serve is WHERE YOU ARE.

The minute you start meeting the needs around you – you become a servant.

Tom Sheppard, Pastor.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Signs of a Call to Serve God

Desire to live simply
Ability to relate with a variety of people, to be happy alone or in a group
Joy in serving others in any outreach or parish involvement
Ability to listen to others and accept direction when needed
Desire to love expansively rather than needing an intimate relationship with one person
Desire to grow in union with God through prayer and service of the needy
Señales de haber recibido la llamada del Señor:

Deseos de tener una vida simple
Habilidad para relacionarnos con diferentes personas, y estar feliz solo o en grupo.
Disfrutar el Servicio a otros
Habilidad para escuchar y aceptar recomendaciones cuando son necesarias
Deseo de brindar Amor a muchos, en vez de una relacion intima con una persona
Deseo de crecer espiritualmente a traves de la oracion y el servicio a los necesitados. 

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day ! Feliz Dia de las Madres !